Words from Mr. Cuddles Wednesdays
Hi everyone, it’s me, Mr. Cuddles. Today is Words from Mr. Cuddles Wednesday. I star in countless videos that help to teach people new vocabulary words.
Today’s word is “arrogant”. I present the word arrogant in the context of sentences that will explain its meaning. My statement is, “People call me arrogant. They say I brag too much, but you know what I say, when you’ve got it, flaunt it.”
I provide context clues in these sentences that reveal the meaning of arrogant. I mention how people call me arrogant, saying I brag too much. I remind people that it is okay to flaunt your greatness.
Flaunt means to show off. Arrogant means having an exaggerated sense of one’s own importance of ability, excessively proud.
Presenting vocabulary words through a cat is an innovation. This new method makes learning fun.
So many people are expected to learn vocabulary words through a word list presented with definitions. What fun is that?
How are people supposed to just memorize the meaning of so many words?
My owner tutors people who want to enlist in the United States military. She has created over 500 videos of me presenting words for the ASVAB exam.
The ASVAB is the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery. Her students enjoy my videos. My videos make learning fun.
They provide a visual and auditory way to learn while incorporating humor.
I am thrilled to be involved in the creating of educational and inspirational videos.
Some days I sit back and become filled with pride in thinking of the lives I am changing.
I am proud to be a part of changing the world, one military recruit at a time. Never underestimate the power of a working orange cat!