Hi everyone, it’s me, Mr. Cuddles.  Many people have asked me what occupation I wanted to pursue in my life.

I had thought about becoming a doctor.  I heard that the exam to get into medical school was the MCAT.

When I heard the name of the exam, I was so excited.  I couldn’t believe it.  The name had the word “cat” in it.  I figured I would ace it.  I am a cat.

  How hard could a test about cats be for me?  I walked into that test with such confidence, dreaming of the day that my title would one day be Dr. Cuddles.

It seemed too good to be true.  When I was given the exam, I realized it was too good to be true.  Would you believe there was not a single question about cats on the exam?

Why would they call it the MCAT?  I later learned that MCAT stood for Medical College Admission Test.

When I started reading the test, I saw questions on chemistry, physics, biology. The list goes on.  I was so disappointed.

I expected questions to be on cat topics like grooming, napping, chasing birds and mice.  I could have been a doctor if only the test really was about cats.

Talk about a disappointment.   Well, everything happens for a reason.

If I had become a doctor, I never would have had the opportunity to work on creating educational and inspirational videos.  Things do have a way of working themselves out in life.

I knew there would be a way I could use my gifts and witty sense of humor.  Who doesn’t love an orange cat?