Words from Mr. Cuddles Wednesdays


Hi everyone, it’s me, Mr. Cuddles. Today is Words from Mr. Cuddles Wednesday.

Today, I am presenting the vocabulary word “ambidextrous”.  I present the word in context so that the clues help the viewer to understand the meaning.

Do you know what “ambidextrous” means?

The sentences I used to present the word “ambidextrous” were, “I’m ambidextrous meaning I’m equally skilled at using both hands so just because I carry me sword in me right hand, doesn’t mean I can’t equally use it in me left hand.  Arrrggghh!”

The word “ambidextrous” consists of two root words.  Ambi- is a Latin root that means both.  Dextrous menas having skill, especially with the hands.

Ambidextrous is a word that refers to a person who is able to use the right and left hands equally well.  There is a Greek root that means both.

The Greek root that means both is amphi-.  An example of a word with the Greek root word amphi- is the word amphibian.

An amphibian is an animal that can live on land or water.  Amphibians consist of frogs, toads, salamanders, newts, and caecilians.

Many of the vocabulary videos I present consist of words with Latin or Greek prefixes, root words, or suffixes.

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