More About Mr. Cuddles Mondays

Hi everyone, it’s me, Mr. Cuddles.  Did you know that I wanted to become a firefighter?

It is amazing to be so brave and save all those people.  I was so excited about trying out for the job.

The excitement left me when I found out I would need to wear 45 pounds of gear.  I weight 9 pounds.

  What do they think I am, an ant or something that can carry 50 times its own body weight?  So much for that idea.

Oh brother!  Another dream shattered.

Even though I would have loved to become I firefighter, I now know that there was another plan for my life.

My destiny was to create educational and inspirational videos for people of all ages.  Check out my website to see my capabilities.

My videos provide learning in a visual, auditory, and humorous way.  I am excited to appeal to the different senses as well as to people’s sense of humor.

We all need to laugh in life.  Laughter is the best medicine!