Words from Mr. Cuddles Wednesdays


Hi everyone, it’s me, Mr. Cuddles. Today is Words from Mr. Cuddles Wednesday.

Today, I am presenting the vocabulary word “chronic”.  I present the word in context so that the clues help the viewer to understand the meaning.

Do you know what “chronic” means?

The sentences I used to present the word “chronic” were, “I have a cough I just can’t seem to get rid of.  Excuse me… (Cat coughs.) I better go to the vet before it becomes chronic.  The last thing I need is a cough that lasts for a really long time.”

Can you figure out the meaning of the word “chronic” from my video.  Did you know that the word “chronic” has a root word?

The root word is the Greek root “chron”.  The Greek root “chron” means time.  Chronic means persisting for a long time or constantly recurring.

It can refer to an long-lasting or recurring illness or problem.

  I like to remind people of the importance of reviewing Latin and Greek roots in order to develop their vocabulary skills.

A number of the vocabulary words I present in my educational videos are words that consist of Latin or Greek roots.

Reviewing prefixes, root words, and suffixes has a positive impact on the development of your vocabulary.

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