Fun with Mr. Cuddles Fridays

Seeing Double

Hi everyone, it’s me, Mr. Cuddles.  Today is Fun with Mr. Cuddles Friday.

On Fridays, I like to present funny videos or funny stories about me.  I love to make people laugh.

Today I am presenting a picture of my litter and a pictures of my cousin Snuggles’ litter.  Do you feel like you are seeing double?

Can you imagine how Julie felt when she rescued one litter of kittens consisting of two brown tabbies and one orange tabby only to rescue the same color combination 9 months later?

Snuggles was one of three kittens.  Julie rescued Snuggles and his brother and sister.  His brother was an orange cat, and his sister was a long-haired brown tabby.

Julie also rescued their mother, Momma Cat, another brown tabby.  When she rescued those 4 cats, she was unable to capture one cat, who later became my mother.

  My mother was another brown tabby who looked just like her sister, Momma Cat.

Look at my litter.  It was a litter of three males cats consisting of two brown tabbies and one orange tabby.  Genetics are a funny thing, aren’t they?

One day, Momma Cat got out and ran away.  She is my aunt.  We never saw her again.  Snuggles and I remain.

The other 4 cats, my two brothers and Snuggles’ brother and sister all found nice homes.

Stay tuned for more stories about my background and my family tree.

Check out my website for educational and inspirational videos.

I enjoy making people laugh and helping people to learn.  All ages can benefit from my videos.  See which one suits you or someone you love.