Mr. Cuddles’ Story

Hi, it’s me, Mr. Cuddles.  You might be asking who I am.  So, let me tell you a little bit about myself. I was born to a litter of 3 kittens on May 1, 2017.  We were all boys.  My brothers are brown tabbies, and my mother is a brown tabby too.  I was the only orange tabby in my family, so I guess that makes me a little unique.  We were born at a marina before the busy time of boating season so there wasn’t any food around for us to eat.  Our mother went searching for food and left us behind.  We were so hungry and dirty.  We were covered in ticks because we didn’t have a mother to clean us.

My whole life turned around when I was six weeks old.  I heard, “Here, kitty, kitty!”  Next thing I knew I was caught.  I was so scared I bit the hand of the person who caught me.  I bit so hard, I heard her screaming, “He bit me, I am bleeding!”  A woman named Julie brought me home and put me in a little cage.  She later caught my 2 brothers.  I remember our first bath.  We were so afraid.  I was hissing and spitting, but when I was placed into the water, I relaxed.  She was able to pick all the ticks off our bodies.  After our baths, we were wrapped in towels and fed wet cat food on spoons.  We were so happy.  We were clean, and we fell asleep with full bellies.

I learned to not be afraid of the person who rescued me.  I realized it was never a good thing to bite the hand that feeds you.  My owner had a cat named Snuggles.  He was my real cousin.  My owner rescued his litter months before she rescued mine!  He was a brown tabby just like my brothers.  He is a little older than me, 9 months older to be exact.  Snuggles was afraid of us.  He would hiss at us, but after a few introductions, he became my best buddy.  He was like a big brother to me, always looking out for me.  My brothers were adopted by friends of my owner, and they have a good life.  I was the last one waiting to be adopted.  A few people wanted to adopt me but by that point it was too late, my owner had realized she loved me!  So, needless to say, I became part of the family.  Snuggles and Cuddles became forever friends.

My owner’s daughter had fun dressing up Snuggles and me in doll’s clothes.  I didn’t mind because it meant getting treats for being good.  My owner came across a great app that allows me to talk.  She realized that I could help people to learn with these videos.  She knew she had a cooperative cat in me.  I love attention and just want to be petted and given treats, so we had a deal!  She could make learning videos with me, and I would get treats.  Our deal worked!
Make sure you check out some of my videos.  My videos bring smiles to many faces!

Julie Hyers’ Story, the owner of Mr. Cuddles™

Hi, my name is Julie Hyers, and Mr. Cuddles® is my very special cat.  When I first rescued him, I did not expect him to turn out to be the greatest cat I ever met.  He bit me and drew blood, so my hopes were low.  However, after 2 days he became a lovable, little purring machine.

There is a little more to the story, however.  I rescued Cuddles in June of 2017.  He fit into our house very nicely, becoming my other cat, Snuggles’ best buddy.  All was well until May 2018, when I received the upsetting diagnosis of breast cancer.  This diagnosis was especially upsetting to me since I had lost my father 5 years before that to cancer.  The fear was overwhelming.  Surgery was the treatment for it.  I endured a 12-hour surgery.  The next day due to internal bleeding, I was rushed into emergency surgery and fortunately they were able to stop the bleeding.  I later went back for a third surgery.  The good news was the surgeons said they got all the cancer out and that the surgeries would be the only required treatment.

This was a very trying time for my family and for me.  I was close to Cuddles, but this experience brought us closer.  He stayed by my side all the time, sitting with me of the recliner that I needed to sleep on since I was unable to sleep in a bed.  I was in constant pain, and he appeared to know this.  He would cuddle with me when I was upset, truly earning the name he had been given.  When I was recovering, I came across an app that makes it look like your pet is talking.  We had fun with this app.  My daughter enjoyed dressing up the cat, and he loved treats for his modeling, so it was an all-around positive situation.  I realized that Mr. Cuddles could teach people new words in a fun way.  The time I had to recover from the surgeries was a time in which I came up with an innovative idea for teaching others.  It was truly a time of making lemonade out of lemons!  With a teaching background, I have a tutoring business that prepares people for the ASVAB, the military entrance exam.  I used Mr. Cuddles to teach the words, adding some humor to vocabulary instruction.  Then I realized that young children were fascinated with Mr. Cuddles.  I created video lessons to suit younger learners.  I have a Master’s degree as a Reading Specialist, and my background enabled me to devise a plan to enrich student’s reading skills as well as their vocabularies while incorporating my cat in the videos!

Mr. Cuddles is a cat for all ages.  Young or old, we can all learn a thing or two from this talking cat from humble beginnings.  Mr. Cuddles’ provides education, hope and encouragement to all ages.  Funny part of it all is that I thought I was giving Mr. Cuddles a better life, but he returned the favor and made my life even better too, right when I needed it!

Everyone who meets him loves him, and I believe you will too!  Check out his sample videos and see what he has to offer! Let Mr. Cuddles and his fun learning videos become part of your household too!